Wednesday, April 1, 2015

The Last 2 Months


Today I am here to write to you about the worst 2 months of any teenager’s life.  The last 2 months of school.  Summer break is so close you can almost taste the freedom.  The freedom from homework, quizzes, and waking up early.  I understand that we should be grateful for having an education, and I AM, but my problem is I love education, but I hate school. 

To make matters worse during these 2 months of torture, this is the time when all the state testing comes.  When you are forced to give up any free time what so ever to take a test that doesn’t even affect you.  Then to add fuel to the fire, the teachers decide that we need to quickly learn the last half of all the textbooks.  WHICH MEANS EVERY CLASS YOU ARE IN YOU WILL HAVE TESTS! Once you think that it’s almost over.  That all this chaos will subside, finals.  

The one word that makes anybody cringe. Finals. Finals. Finals. A week of no sleep, energy drinks, and exhausting tests in every class.  But don’t forget friends, that during all of this awful schoolwork, you will have so many extracurricular activities planned that you can’t even breathe. So friends, good luck on all of the above, and if it hasn’t hit you yet, then just know that it is headed your way! :( 

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