Monday, March 16, 2015

Spring Break


As you probably know it is the beginning of spring break.  I love spring break personally, because of the extra time that it gives me to do what I want, AND there is nice weather!  The only problem is… not all teens think of spring break in that way.  Let me break it down for you.  Spring break is a time where teenagers/ young adults quickly divide into three groups.

Group 1:  The Party Animals
This group is needless to say, wild.  When that school bell rings they are in “spring break mode” all worry and care is lost.  You will see the “party animals” posting pictures at beaches with friends. The only thing reminding them that it ever happened, will be the pictures they see on their social media the next morning.

Group 2: The Travelers
This group you will see on vacations…with their families.  Posting cute selfies next to road signs and smiling with their younger siblings.  When they look back on their spring break they will have great memories that they can cherish forever.

Group 3: The “Crap its spring break and I don’t have any plans”
Yes.  I am in this group sadly.  This group you will see within the first 5 hours of spring break start to rapidly check their social media…because they have nothing else to do.  You try to make plans with your friends but they are either A. a party animal or B. a traveler.  This group will spend most of their time stalking others on social media hoping that maybe, just maybe they will be in a different spring break group next year.

Either way, doesn’t really matter what group you are in!  Just remember to stay safe, and enjoy this week off from school!  Hope everyone is having a great week and I will see you soon!

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