Sunday, November 6, 2016

Sister Sister

I am so blessed to have sisters, and sometimes I have to remind myself of that. It’s something that’s hard to explain, unless you have sisters as well, that there is a sense of connection between sisters that is like nothing else. You are able to drive each other to the point of insanity, but you wouldn’t have it any other way. You know each other’s favorite candy, and you know exactly what song they want to play when you hop into the car together. You have “sister secrets” together that make you giggle at the slightest mention of them. You know what pet peeve annoys them the most, and you know how to make them laugh when they need it the most. You know the way to make them stop crying before mom finds out, and you know which item you will have to bribe them with to not tell dad about that one time you used his toothbrush as a toilet cleaner.  •___•

I will always have those sweet memories of playing outside for hours, pretending to be magical creatures, and playing with dirt covered plastic lizards. I will always think of us when I see the movies The Land Before Time or Stuart Little. I will always laugh when I see someone dressed up like a ghost for Halloween, and I will never be able to listen to a Disney song without thinking of our jam sessions on the way to school. Anytime I see a fishing pole, I will always think of our summer days spent with Papa at Hal's pond, and watching as one of you threw your pole into the pond in attempt to cast your line.  :)  Honestly, this list could go on forever!

Sisters are such a blessing, and I honestly believe that my sisters are the absolute best. We all have great relationships with each other, and the amount of memories we have together can’t be counted. Thank you both for being some of the most influential people in my life, I look up to both of you (even if one of you is younger) and I can’t thank you enough for being the amazing support system that you are.

Thanks for being my best friends, I love you both.


  1. Reminder me to never let you near my toothbrush!

    1. Hahaha! In my wasn't my fault! Ask Chelsea about that one :)

  2. How is it possible that two of you are pretty amazing writers, as well? I can only suspect sister #3 is following in your footsteps. Three of our most favorite people in the world, you girls are! I know two parents who must be so proud...

    1. Thank you for that, Rhonda! We need to plan a trip to get to meet up again soon! Miss you both!
