Saturday, October 8, 2016

"Pumpkins for Sale!"

It’s the staple of all autumn festivities, and honestly one of the cutest things that this world has to offer---pumpkins. They come in all shapes and sizes, and all different colors ranging from a brilliant orange to stark white. But, there is definitely something special about pumpkins, when you know that they were grown in your town.

I am blessed to live in a community where the small town vibe is very evident, and we are surrounded with hometown farmers who every year do their part in turning their small farmhouses into the cutest, and quirkiest mini pumpkin patches. I’m talking rustic craft projects, homegrown pumpkins, and even a family dog to greet you the entire time you choose the perfect pumpkin. I recently was able to drive the whopping five minutes it takes to get to one of these hidden hometown treasures, and thankfully was able to capture a few photographs of these adorable patches.


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