Wednesday, September 7, 2016

The Aura of Autumn

“Autumn, the year’s last loveliest smile”
-William Cullen Bryant

I couldn’t have said it any better myself. It’s true, Autumn is like a big warm hug from a friend you haven’t seen in ages. It’s the smell of homemade hot chocolate. It’s the feeling of wearing what seems like 1000 layers of sweatshirts at a football game. It’s the glistening of the fairly lights that dangle from every corner of your room. It’s the sweet scent of cinnamon. It’s the quirkiness of a small town pumpkin patch. It’s the hustle and bustle of the various fall festivals throughout the county. It’s the brilliant shades of orange, red, and mustard yellow. It’s the jazzy, indie music that’s on every autumn Spotify playlist. It’s the chilly breeze that swirls your hair up into the air. It’s the sounds of leaves crunching underneath your boots. It’s that time again friends, Autumn has arrived.

I’ve always loved fall, and the older I have gotten the more I get ridiculously into the season. I just can’t help it, how could you not get excited about pumpkin scented/flavored EVERYTHING!? How could you not be ecstatic about wearing sweaters and scarfs?! Okay…maybe its just me. 

            Last year was the first autumn I had ever been employed, and sadly it made the season a bit lack-luster. I felt as if I couldn’t enjoy the season while I tried to balance school, band, and work EVERYDAY. So as I watched the season creep up once again, I decided that this year, autumn was going to be a priority. Trust me, I realize how stupid that sounds, BUT this is my FAVORITE time of year, and I am determined to make the most of it!

            This fall I plan to post quite a lot on my blog about the little things. Whether it’s the stellar cup of hot chocolate I had, or if its’ about a cute little pumpkin patch, I want to blog about it. I love reading through old blog posts, and I can’t wait to be able to look back on this autumn and see/read through all of the memories that brought me so much joy.

Here’s to the best autumn ever.

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