Friday, July 22, 2016

We are Kingdom Workers

What’s this, I’m actually updating my blog?

Disclaimer: the following photos are VERY low quality due to them being taken on a cell phone haha J

I recently had the opportunity to attend CIY for my 3rd year in a row, at the University of Lincoln, Nebraska. It was a wonderful week, filled with lots of memories that make me smile even just thinking about them. This year’s theme was “Kingdom Workers” which is a concept that CIY has used for YEARS. All throughout the week we learned how we as Christians could be better kingdom workers.

Every year at CIY, the music is always one of the highlights. This year we had an artist named Tony, who was very good at leading a group of 1,600 students in worship. The music had a very “electronic” vibe to it this year, and it felt like a giant dance party most of the time, so that was wonderful.
This year we had a great group of students go from my church, and it was so much fun to be able to bond with all of them. We even started what seemed like the biggest version of the “dart game” whilst on campus. Lots of friends and memories made.
Everyday at CIY, everyone gets 10-15 minutes of “encounter” time. Which is basically just time for you to sit by yourself and chill out with God. Everyone would get a card with verses to read, and fun activities to complete. It was nice to be able to sit down at the beginning of everyday and remember why we were all TRULY at CIY.
One of my all time favorite parts of CIY is that you get to share a college dorm room with someone for a week. I was blessed to be able to share a dorm room with my best friend Hanna. The amount of inside jokes, hysterical sleep deprived laughter, and deep conversations that I got to have with her was wonderful. I’m very very thankful to have a friend like her that is willing to share a dorm room with someone as obnoxious as me for a WHOLE WEEK! J
On the 4th day of camp it’s extended rec day, which just means that your youth group gets to take a trip and do something off campus for a day! Our group decided to hit up a local burger joint, and let me tell you IT WAS THE BEST HAMBURGER I HAVE EVER EATEN IN MY LIFE. If you ever find yourself in Lincoln, Nebraska go to “Honest Abe’s, Burgers and Freedom”. I promise you, you will not regret your decision.
My favorite night of CIY was definitely night 4, and the topic was “Kingdom Workers are changed”. It was a wonderful message that really hit home. We talked about how God changes us, and is calling us to change (even if we don’t want to L) They had us each write down one word that would describe the “changed” version of yourself. They then handed us these very oddly shaped piece of plexi glass, and we put our stickers onto it. After a few minutes of singing in complete darkness, suddenly the stage lit up…hands down the most meaningful part of the trip.

I’m very thankful to have been able to go on this AMAZING trip, and I can’t wait to go again next summer!

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