Thursday, March 3, 2016

How I Edit my Instagram Photos

Recently I was asked all about my Instagram photo-editing process, and I realized just how much time and effort I put into each one of my photographs.  Over time I have found some pretty amazing apps that can make any average photo look like a million bucks. 

My favorite editing app is definitely Afterlight.  I love all of the different features this app offers, ranging anywhere from exposure to skin tone!  Though I don’t normally use the filters on Afterlight, they do have some really great options, my personal favorite being “Russ”.  The only complaint I have about this app is the fact that it wasn’t free. I typically don’t spend money on apps, but let me tell you it was COMPLETLEY worth the 99¢

VSCO Cam is hands down one THE best apps for filters that has ever been invented. If you are anything like I am, in the way that you are a bit specific about all of your photos following a theme on your feed, this app will save your life.  There are tons of different filter options for free, and if you so wish then you can purchase even more!  If I’m honest, I didn’t like VSCO at first, it seemed so…strange.  The layout of this app is half editing app, half social media platform where you are able to share your own images! In my opinion anyone who wants their photos to look good, you need a little VSCO in your life.

After I have finished adjusting my photo, and I'm done giving it an artsy filter…I have to fix the basics. For this task I can trust good ole’ Aviary to get the job done.  Have you ever taken a selfie and noticed that your teeth don’t look as white as you would like them to? Aviary’s whitening tool can solve all of your problems my friend.  I personally use Aviary for things such as blurring backgrounds, getting rid of blemishes, and whitening my teeth.  It’s quick and easy to use, and…FREE!

As you can tell, editing Instagram photos into perfection is quite the process.  I personally love using lots of different apps to see what I can create, but these are definitely my favorite three! If you feel so inclined, comment below your favorite app to edit photos with!

DISCLAIMER: The photos shown on this post may be slightly blurry due to me transferring them from a phone to my laptop, but hopefully you will get the idea J

Follow me on Instagram!

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you take pride in what you write. This makes you stand way out from many other writers that push poorly written content. buy instagram likes
