Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Oh Christmas Tree

As we decided it was time to finally being to “deck the halls” at our house, we immediately headed straight to the Christmas tree box.  This Christmas tree is an iconic symbol of Christmas world wide, and it’s all around magical to look at. 

As we went to put up our Christmas tree, my dad put it together, and went to plug it in.  (Take note that we had bought this tree 4 years ago, pre-lit, and we’ve ALWAYS had problems with the lights) In previous years, after we plugged it in we noticed one or two sections lights weren’t working, in which my dad would begin to work with the wires, resulting in him eventually getting the whole thing to light up.

 This year as we all crossed our fingers as he reached for the plug, once it made contact a whopping 12 lights on the tree worked. Defeat, that’s the only word I can use to describe the look on all of our faces as quickly we all began to loose the “Christmas cheer” luster.  We all sat, waiting for my dad’s reaction. Finally he stood up, looked at the tree and muttered “nope, not today”.  All of us looked up at my dad to see what we were going to do, in which he responded with unplugging the tree and taking it apart. 

We all laughed and joked about it, but then we realized, WE DON’T HAVE A CHRISTMAS TREE! My mom then went into her room and grabbed three, very skinny, very unconventional Christmas trees and arranged them around the living area where the “stupid” Christmas tree was supposed to be. 

All of us girls just looked up at her and just shook our heads and said “it’s better than rewiring that old tree!” If that isn’t lazy family problem solving, I don’ t know what is! 

When the trees first went up I didn’t know how I felt about this weird Christmas tree assortment, but in the end I actually kind of like it better! It’s like having a forest in our living room!  Oh, the Christmas memories the Klahr’s make.

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