Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Obsessive Christmas Disorder

You could ask anybody that knows me, and you would quickly find that I suffer from OCD (Obsessive Christmas Disorder). I am an absolute freak when it comes to anything Christmas-y.  I just can’t help it! Everything that comes with the holiday season makes me so happy, so why would I not go overboard?!  

For me, the first day of the Christmas season isn’t the day after Thanksgiving, but instead November 1st!  It takes a good 2 hours into the month of November, and I’m already blaring all of the Christmas music, and starting to put up all of my Christmas decorations.  In my mind I think of it as “why waste time in the awkward waiting time between Halloween and Thanksgiving sitting and doing nothing?! CHRISTMAS TIME IS AMONG US MY FRIENDS, LETS GO!  

The only problem with my “slight” obsession with Christmas is that not everyone feels the same way on this topic.  If you’re anything like all of my family members, then you think that Christmas isn’t meant to be celebrated until post-thanksgiving.  In fact, if you do feel that way, you probably are cringing as you read this.  The thought of me blaring Christmas music without headphones probably makes you want to punch me through your computer screen. THE BEST WAY TO SPREAD CHRISTMAS CHEER IS TO SING ALOUD FOR ALL TO HEAR! DUH!!!

I do apologize for my annoying obsession with the holiday season; trust me I know it’s a lot to take in.  I do warn you though, because this is one of the many Christmas blog posts I plan to cram into the months of November and December (You have been warned! J)  Tis the season friends! Let the holiday blog posts begin!

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