Wednesday, September 2, 2015


I don’t know about you guys, but my favorite season BY FAR is definitely autumn/fall.  I just love how everything is that time of year!  Let me give you some examples.

The Smell

There is something about the smell of fall that can get me every time!  When I’m outside it’s the smell of the cool crisp air.  Then when I come inside it’s the smell of the pumpkin spice candles my mom is burning.  It’s a smell that is so comforting to me, and it just makes me so happy when I smell anything like it!

The Color

Orange, Red, Yellow, Golden, and so many more beautiful colors come around in the fall.  It’s the kind of colors that make you want to just smile and take it all in.  It’s the kind of colors where I could sit there on the ground and stare at them for hours on end…and I don’t even like being outside!

The Weather

Ahhhh yes…sweater weather.  The perfect time to break out all of your sweaters and sweatshirts and jeans and boots and scarfs and just cuddle up.  To some people bundling up like that may not sound pleasant, but to me it’s the best!  I love that cozy sweater feeling, and wearing scarfs and UGH just thinking about it makes me smile!  That feeling getting to walk outside and have it be chilly, but not freezing is just perfect!


If you know me at all then you would know that I am not a fan of sports at all, but football season means marching season! (Yes I know I’m a geek)  Getting to spend Friday nights cuddled up in blankets with all of your friends cheering on the football team is definitely something I look forward to. 

The Holidays

I personally love Halloween and the idea of dressing up and walking around outside in the fall weather.  Then a month later getting to celebrate Thanksgiving!  I just love how everyone during these holidays shares the same love for fall as I do.  Now don’t get me wrong, Christmas is by far my favorite holiday, BUT if the season of fall were a holiday…we would have a winner! 

Now I’m curious…

What is your favorite season?

What is your favorite part of that season?

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