Sunday, August 23, 2015

5 Reasons to Look Forward to School!

It’s that time of year again, ah yes back to school.  The time of year when everyone realizes how sleep deprived they are going to be for the next 9 months.  When everyone realizes how difficult all their classes are going to be.  BUT I’m not here to make you dread school more than you all ready are.  I’m here to tell you 5 reasons why you should be excited that school is back!

Number One:  You get to see you’re friends again!

All summer (for some of us) it seems as if you plan to hang out with your friends all summer long…but you never actually get together.  It’s like you mean it to happen, and you all genuinely want to hang out, it just never happens.  So even though you aren’t all that excited, you can look forward to seeing people you love!

Number Two: It’s a new start!

I don’t know about you, but for me a new school year is like a new beginning.  You can decide to devote yourself to studying, and even if you didn’t the year before, it’s a whole new year!

Number Three: Having a schedule!

Some people may not like to admit it, but it is a good thing to have a schedule!  It will help you get more sleep, and just help you feel more productive.  Though getting up early isn’t all that fun, it lets you get a head start to the day!

Number Four: Healthier Habits!

What’s great about going back to school is that you have the option to pack your lunch!  Yes, it is kind of time consuming making a meal, but it definitely has its benefits!  When I pack my lunch I tend to eat healthier, which leads me to feeling better.  You have the choice to pack foods that are not only good for you, but that you love as well!

Number Five:  The Memories!

I have a challenge for you, sit down and think about your freshman year of high school.  For some of you it may have been 10 years ago, and for some of you it may have been yesterday!  Think back and see what you remember.  I know for me I think about how many great times I had with my fellow band geeks.  I think about how much I laughed at football games.  I think about my favorite class that I took.  In the moment it may seem like school really stinks, but when you look back you’ll be so glad it happened.

Continue to be inspired and motivated friends!  It will be over before we know it!

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