recently it has been raining a lot where I live, and its been
GREAT! I have always loved the rain, and
the peace that it brings. I especially
love it when there is thunder and lightning.
Don’t get me wrong, I know it can be dangerous, but I just love it so
much! As a kid I also loved the rain,
but not as much as I do now. Really the only reason I liked it as a kid
was because of sugar cookies. Now that
is a strange sentence… trust me I know.
me explain. As a kid when it would rain my mom and I ALWAYS made sugar
cookies. It was just something fun and
quirky that my mom and I did together. I
remember always trying to pick out the most complicated cookie shapes, and then
at the end having them all look like strange blobs. They always tasted great though! It makes me so happy thinking back on those
days when my mom and I spent that time together. Just running around having fun little
adventures. My mom and I still spend a
lot of time together now, and we have a great relationship, but it isn’t like
the “sugar cookie era”.
I think it’s so
sad how as teens we loose that closeness with our parents that we used to
have. It just seems as we grow up, we
quit making time to give your dad that fist bump, or give your little sister
that pat on the back. We are too busy
focusing on the future, and what we have to do.
I am constantly reminding myself to slow down, take a minute, and take a
look around. I am so blessed, and no
matter what situation you are in, you have something to be grateful for as
well. This week I challenge you to find
ONE thing each day that you take advantage of.
Find something that you don’t even think about, but that your life
wouldn’t be the same without. It’s
pretty crazy the difference it can make…