I realize that around 7 months ago
I wrote a blog post very similar to this one, but I always find them really
interesting to read. So here I am again,
in honor of finals week beginning to give you some tips on how to survive
finals week.
Finals week
is something that no matter what you do, you will have to face it. If you are like me, then finals week is
something that you dread all year long.
I am an absolutely horrible test-taker, so finals are about my worst
nightmare. Over the past few finals
weeks, I have been able to collect a few tips, along with some tips that
according to statistics are promised to ease finals week stress, and even
improve test scores!
- Experiment with different methods of studying
Sometimes it’s easy to just skim
over old notes that you have, and to call it good. I challenge you to try a new way of
studying. Read flash cards while hanging
upside down, put on classical music and sing your vocabulary words, whatever
works for you, do it!
- Silence your social media accounts
I am one of the worst about
turning my phone on “do not disturb” mode, and then always tapping my phone to
see what notifications are there. Try putting on your “airplane” mode
instead. You won’t get any form of
notifications while on this mode, therefore taking away the option for extra
- Review old tests
Most teachers base their midterms
and finals on previous tests they’ve created. This is also a great way to go
back, and see things that you struggled with earlier in the year!
- Manage your anxiety
This can be a fairly difficult
task, seeing how anxiety is second nature for some of us. There are so many
simple things that can ease test stress.
One of my favorite things to do is listen to really calming music. If you log into Spotify, you can search
“stress free” and there should be several playlists full of calming music that
are available!
- Create a study schedule
This seems like a really strange
thing to do, but it helped me SO much last year. Get a piece of paper the week BEFORE finals,
and create the amount of time per class that you will be studying. If you feel compelled, even plan out where
you plan to do your studying, and the time span you need to study for each of your
classes. This helps you not stress nearly as much about all the studying you
have to do, instead you already know exactly what you have to do, and how much
time it will take!
I hope these tips helped at least
a few of you with easing those horrible finals stresses! Remember that it’s only a week, and remember
that hundreds of other students have gone through the same thing, and they all
survived! You can do this friends, good