officially 2016 now, which means I suppose I should challenge myself to become
a better person, and to live healthier, and blah blah blah. If I’m being honest, every year up until
this, I have always made the cliché, rather tacky, resolutions. Resolutions that as soon as I wrote them down
I knew I would never follow through with.
is the year I’ll loose 20 pounds!”
year I will go to bed every night by 9 pm!”
year I am going to travel the globe and solve world hunger, and find a cure for
every disease on this planet!”
As I sat with all of my friends on New Year’s
Eve I started to think about what my resolutions for this year were going to
be, and I couldn’t think of anything!
What’s this?! Am I actually content with the person I am right now, or
am I just becoming progressively lazier as time is going on? I couldn’t believe
no ideas even came to my mind, and to think that even now I don’t have any
following morning I made the mistake of opening up my Instagram and seeing
every single living human being posting all about their new years resolutions
and all about how they can’t wait to “tackle 2016”. I couldn’t have been more annoyed, I
officially felt like a chump that had zero life goals, and wasn’t going to
accomplish anything. Perfect way to start 2016 right?! WHY IS EVERYONE BEING SO
sat there in pure shock and disgust on my face, and then I realized something
incredibly valuable. What is the point
in making resolutions, just because it seems like the proper thing to do? I
know myself well enough that if I were to come up with some bull crap
resolutions I would never complete them, and then by 2017 I would feel like an
even bigger waste of space than I do now! (Don’t you love how I overthink)
here I am typing this blog post to announce that I have zero new years
resolutions for 2016, and I am 100% okay with that. I think it will be interesting to have a year
were I just go about my daily life, and whatever happens, will happen! If I get to March and decide I want to start
running and working out, then I will do that! If I get to June and decide I want
to travel, I will do that, and if I get to December 31st, and I haven’t
solved world hunger, THAT’S OKAY!
hope you are all having a lovely time as breaks are coming to an end, and I hope
you all have a lovely 2016 that is filled with wonderful memories and loads of
happiness. Let’s start this year off
right with no expectations, lets live in 2016.