I feel like I haven’t written to you guys in forever! We
have so much to catch up on! As I have
talked about in previous blog posts, you may know that I recently went on a
vacation. We actually traveled up to the
east coast, and it was PERFECT. I loved everything
about the east coast! The history, the cities, the ocean, sometimes even the
traffic just made me smile. I have
always dreamed of living on the east coast, just because the idea of it seems
so big and mysterious. As we were on the
plane I suddenly felt anxious, thinking to myself “what if I don’t love it like
I thought I would”. I couldn’t fathom
the idea of all of my dreams being crushed, but as soon as we stepped off the
plane I knew.
This was my dream place.
Everything was perfect just as I had imagined. I loved the idea of all these
people that traveled to the east looking for their dreams and it truly inspired
me. Everywhere you went there was an
artist, or a musician; just simply doing what they love.
The cities were all busy yes, but there was a
sense of just electricity going through the air. You saw all different people there. To one
side of you, there would be a businesswoman, and on the other side would be
someone wearing suspenders; playing a bagpipe!
Everyone there just seemed like that was THEIR place. They knew that
they were meant to be where they were, and it was beautiful.
Sadly the times on the east coast came to an
end, but trust me; I will be back. There
is nothing that will ever keep me from seeing that beautiful place again.
To any of you that have gone on trips this summer:
* Where did
you travel to?
* Did your trip inspire you?