Wednesday, May 13, 2015

College Bound Chummy

Okay so today’s blog post is going to be kind of sappy, my apologies in advance. 

Growing up my older sister and I were typical sisters. Played together, but fought often.  Then high school came.  I got into high school expecting all my “friends” and I to stick together and to form this amazing bond, but that’s not how it works.  Most of us went our separate ways, and that’s totally fine!  The only problem was, that left me feeling quite lonely. Thus the chummies were born.  We did everything together, whether it was grocery shopping or summer camps we were always with each other. I honestly had the best freshman year because of my chummy.  She is my best friend, and I couldn’t imagine my life without her in it everyday, that was until now. 

My best friend is graduating from high school.  Within 2 months she will be moving away.  Even now as I type it still doesn’t seem real.  It seems crazy to think that just yesterday was the last time that we will ever be in high school together.  This whole process kind of sucks honestly.  We get this close, and she does all these amazing things and is now graduating…AND NOW SHE’S LEAVING ME?!  It just doesn’t seem fair! 

I know I’m being dramatic, and I honestly could not be more proud of my chummy.  I am just going to miss her like crazy.  I am going to miss the late night talks, the random grocery store runs, and even just seeing each other in the hallway. 

Change is good, I just have to keep reminding myself.  My chummy is going to college and she is going to have an amazing time, and she is going to build her life.  It will all be fine…I will survive! 

Love you so much chummy, best of luck at college!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Find Your Passion

The older I get the more I look for things to love…does that make sense?  It’s as if I am on the hunt for things that make me happy, or things that I enjoy.  It’s crazy to think that a year ago I didn’t even realize that I liked to write, or take pictures!  I can’t even imagine my life without it now!  The only hard part is when I find something I love, I use that as an excuse to quit trying new things.  It would be so easy to just stay within my comfort zone and do the same thing everyday.  I think that is good to stay invested in something you love for a long time, I just think it’s important to continue to add to that list of things!  Explore a little bit, which I know for me that is a VERY difficult.  I seem to be able to encourage other people to do it, but can’t get motivated enough to do it myself!  So that is why I wrote this blog post.  This is a reminder to not only you, but to me as well.  To continue to just LIVE!  To motivate you to continue to work hard at those things that you love. To try new things, to be yourself and see what that leads you to!

What are some of your passions?

What keeps you motivated to try new things?

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

More Pictures!


So recently I have been really considering buying a nice camera.  I have a camera now…but I want to invest in a NICE camera, since I love photography so much.  Comment below some of the best cameras you have used!  In the mean time, I have been borrowing my grandma’s camera, and I have been having a BLAST!  So enjoy these pictures I took!

P.S  Notice a pattern of green...spring has sprung! :)